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Fully Alive by Ken Davis

In Fully Alive author Ken Davis shares his journey from being overweight and in poor health to running a triathlon while in his sixties. This  is not a diet or fitness book though. Davis shares how he made the shift from existing to living fully alive. What makes this book very compelling is that it is not a rags to riches story. That is, the author was very successful professionally before making the changes he describes in this book. This is the story of someone who refused to accept a good average life and instead fought for a life of excellence and joy.

In a market flooded with self-help and improvement books I was reluctant to dig into another one. What could I read that has not already be said? I was in for a big surprise! The author grabbed my attention and my imagination from the opening story. Through stories drawn from his own life and a lot of self-deprecating humour Davis shares his journey to living fully alive. What makes this book so valuable is that instead of sharing a few tips or techniques to improving your life, Davis imparts the desire to live fully alive. His passion for living is contagious.

Fully Alive will shake you up, wake you up and challenge you to start not just existing but living life to the fullest.

Four Questions You Should Be Asking

Life is full of questions. The questions we ask ourselves range from trivial to critical. What will I wear today? Where will I go to dinner? Who will I go to dinner with? How will I pay all my bills? How can I be good spouse and parent? Many of our questions are as unique as we are, but there are four core questions we should all be asking. How we answer these questions defines our view of the world, of our self and of our future. These questions help us discover our identity, our purpose and our destiny.

  1. Where do we come from?
  2. What went wrong?
  3. How do we fix it?
  4. Where are we going?

In our pursuit of truth we must start by asking the right questions. Until we have answers to these four questions we are at risk of getting the wrong answers to all of our other questions.

What questions have you been asking?

The Return of the Prodigal

This painting by Rembrandt is described by art historian Kenneth Clark as “a picture which those who have seen the original in Leningrad may be forgiven for claiming as the greatest picture ever painted”. If you look closely at the Father’s two hands you will see that they are different. One of the hands is modelled after a man’s and the other after a woman’s hand. This shows in a beautiful way the tenderness and strength of our Father God.

I See His Blood Upon The Rose

I see his blood upon the rose
And in the stars the glory of his eyes,
His body gleams amid eternal snows,
His tears fall from the skies.I see his face in every flower:
The thunder and the singing of the birds
Are but his voice – and carven by his power
Rocks are his written words.All pathways by His feet are worn,
His strong heart stirs the ever-beating sea,
His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn,
His cross is every tree.

Joseph Mary Plunkett

Healing Is A Choice


In “Healing Is A Choice,” author Stephen Arterburn describes ten choices an individual can make in order to experience emotional and spiritual healing. Each of these choices are contrasted with ten commonly believed lies that keep us bound to our wounds and stuck in our past. A valuable addition to this volume is the work book. Each chapter is immediately followed by the corresponding chapter of a workbook that guides the reader into applying the healing choice just described. This book shows how healing can come to anyone who will make the necessary choices and changes.

I cannot think of anyone who would not benefit from the material presented in this book. We all go through hard times and get hurt in different ways. Each of us can experience healing and freedom from the wounds of the past by following the practical guidelines presented here. In order to reap the reward this book offers, be prepared to do the work. It is one thing to read about healing choices, it is another thing to make those choices for yourself.