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How many books about Jesus can we possibly need? According to authors Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola there are more biographies of Jesus than there are of anyone else. This being the case, I was somewhat reluctant to pick up their new addition to this crowded category. Now that I have read “Jesus: A Theography,” I believe this work does more than earn its place among books about Jesus, it comes close to creating an entirely new genre.
Sweet and Viola do much more than re-tell the story of Jesus’ life. They trace Jesus actions and explore His character as they are revealed from the first words of Genesis at the beginning of the Bible all the way to the last words of the Revelation. Having grown up as a Christian, I have read through the Bible several times. I have read through the gospels in the New Testament even more often. I was delighted to find that this book helped open my eyes to see Jesus at work in portions of the Bible where I had not previously noticed Him. This book helped me to read the Bible with fresh eyes and to love and appreciate Jesus much more as a truly divine person than as merely an idea or a doctrine.
Anyone with an interest in Jesus will find more than a little of value in Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola’s “Jesus: A Theography.”