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Am I rejoicing in the salvation that God accomplished for me in Jesus, which he freely offers me by sheer grace, and which I receive by faith alone? Or am I using Jesus in an attempt to work my own salvation?

I use Jesus to work my own salvation when my functional saviour becomes my achievement, and I pray for God to bless my efforts.

I use Jesus to work my own salvation when my functional saviour becomes my appetite and I pray for God to ‘meet my needs.’

I use Jesus to work my own salvation when my functional saviour becomes the approval of others and I pray for God to give me favour.

A simple journal
A simple prayer journal …

Of course I have Biblical reasons to ask God to bless my efforts, meet my needs, and give me favour. 

It comes down to the motivations of my heart. 

Do I need these prayers answered in the way expect in order to feel loved, valued and accepted by the Lord? 

Or can I look to the cross to remember Jesus’ love value and acceptance of me? 

When I find these deepest needs of my heart met at the cross, I receive salvation as God’s work for me, rather than trying to achieve salvation by my work for him.